III <font size=5>Concurso de Programación Paralela</font>
V Concurso de Programación Paralela

Emo Philips

A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


After the celebration of the V Spanish Parallel Progamming Contest at the University of Córdoba, Septembre 23, 2015, the problems and the final classification are published.

It is possible to send solutions to the problems to be included in the records' table.



Regular With Exhibition
1 Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Liu Zhengchun
Qi Liu
Manager: Remo Suppi Boldrito
Score: 43.63 / 60
Lobachevsky state University of Nizhni Novgorod
Aleksey Sidnev
Score: 40 / 60
2 Universidad de Castilla La Mancha
Javier Cózar del Olmo
Jacinto Arias Martínez
Manager: Diego Cazorla López
Score: 32.09 / 60
Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Liu Zhengchun
Qi Liu
Manager: Remo Suppi Boldrito
Score: 25.12 / 60
3 Universidad Complutense de Madrid
David Gómez Blanco
Manager: Carlos García Sánchez
Score: 29.75 / 60
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
David Gómez Blanco
Manager: Carlos García Sánchez
Score: 14.85 / 60

Universidad de Murcia    SARTECO GANETEC